Your car’s air conditioner is an important auto part for you. Especially with summer coming up. The AC becomes your lifesaver during the blistering summer days and the sweltering summer nights. If you didn’t have the AC in your car, you wouldn’t be able to even drive during the summer days in some areas. 

One of the most important if not the important part of an AC is the Air conditioner compressor. This part is considered as the beating heart of the AC. It is the component that regulates the temperature. Which is why you should regularly check your car’s compressor and see if it needs any accessories or if it needs a replacement.

The main function of an air conditioner compressor is to increase the pressure and temperature of the vapor refrigerant that leaves the evaporator coil. The compressor mainly creates the pressure difference so that the vapor refrigerant can flow between the parts. This is done to create a basic scientific phenomenon. Where the high-pressure fluid travels to a low-pressure fluid. So what the basic mechanism sums up to is that the high pressured refrigerant will travel from the compartment to where the lower pressured refrigerant is within the evaporator coil.

When the pressure is increased the refrigerant also gets hotter. This means that there is also a temperature difference between the refrigerant in the evaporator coil and the compressor and condenser. Here another transfer happens, the flow of heat. Heat will travel from the higher compartment, which is the condenser or compressor and goes to the evaporator coil. The temperature is much lower in the evaporator coil. This is a scientific phenomenon that strives to maintain an equilibrium. 

Increasing the temperature for the freon is a vital process for the AC. The freon gets heated to a temperature where it becomes much hotter than the temperature of the outside air. This ensures that the AC can cool you off in even extreme temperatures, like when it gets 120 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

The heat of the refrigerant dissipates the heat into the air when it moves through the condenser coils. This can happen only because of the higher temperature inside and the huge gap created between the two sides. Your car’s heat was initially absorbed by the refrigerant within the evaporator coil. After that, the refrigerant had to gain enough heat to be able to release it on the outside. Increasing the heat is vital as I said earlier as the transfer of heat energy won’t happen unless the heat is more than the outside atmosphere.

Another name for air conditioner compressors and heat pump compressors are vapor compressors. These components are specifically designed for fluids that have less resistance. So, your car’s compressor isn’t able to handle just any type of liquid. Liquids aren’t really compressible. The result of using a liquid in a compressor usually results in low efficiency or sometimes it doesn’t even work. The compressor might even become damaged because of the pressurized liquid.

So there you go, now you know how the air compressor for your car works. The mechanism is simple enough when explained thoroughly isn’t it? So now you can spread the knowledge even amongst your cohorts.


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